Blessed Above Women

Blessed Above Women

Judges 5:24 (KJV)

“Blessed above women…blessed shall she be above women in the tent.” – Judges 5:24 (KJV)

It was the Era of Israel’s history known as Judges. The people of Israel repeatedly sinned against God by following after the gods of the wicked nations around them. When they cried to Him in sorrow and repentance due to sin, God would raise up Deliverers, or Judges, who would lead them to victory over their oppressors.

At one such time, God raised up Deborah to be one of these Judges. Deborah was a powerful and respected woman of Israel who guided her people and spoke the Word of God as a prophetess. They honoured her with a song that dispenses a blessing to Jael, who got rid of Sisera, the commander of the Canaanite army (just as prophesied) – Judges 4:17-21.

Jael took advantage of an opportunity and struck down a wicked, dangerous enemy of Israel. She showed initiative and acted for the Lord and for the people of the Lord. Jael earned the trust of this hardened soldier, giving her the opportunity to act. A woman with no weapon killed an enemy swiftly and easily.

God, through the mouth of Deborah, declares Jael blessed. She shall be remembered above all women who dwelt in the tent; that is, women who are pilgrims and strangers but are willing to serve the true God. She is remembered among the godly women in the Bible who feared God and placed their trust in Him. Jael’s act of bravery allowed the people of Israel their freedom. Are you working for God? Can you be called ‘blessed above women’?


Heavenly Father, thank You for making women. And thank You for using Deborah and Jael to help deliver Your people from oppression. Use us as women in the battle against evil. Remove the obstacles in our lives and help us to respond to the promptings of Your Holy Spirit. Let Your blessing rest upon us as it did on Jael; in Jesus’s name I pray, Amen. 

Read: Judges 4:9; Proverbs 8:34
Bible Reading Guide: Proverbs 11:19-28; John 5:31-47; Judges 7:9-25; Judges 8

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